Friday, February 5, 2010

#42 2001: A Space Odyssey - almost 2 hours of silence + an unexplainable black rectangular prism

1968. dir. Stanley Kubrick, starring Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, Douglas Rain.

Seen it before? a lot of it but not the end...

Yes ladies and gentlemen I did manage to stay awake for this movie too! I'd seen the beginning with the apes (clearly actors as no CGI and the movements were completely unbelievable for apes)...and what were those other animals anyway? Anteater/pig hybrids? I don't know...they were weird though.

I had seen the middle where the guys are in the chambers "sleeping" and the two guys (Dave and Frank) are awake and walking around the space capsule "exercising" and watching broadcasts from earth and messages from parents...I saw that HAL 9000 freaked and started saying, "I'm sorry Dave" etc.

I had not seen the psychedelic sequence leading to the end where Dave finds himself as an old man in a "Hilton" like futuristic hotel...alone...

I HAD seen the end where there was a fetus that appeared after the last black rectangular prism showed up in Old Dave's hotel room.

Point being...I didn't understand the movie. Back when I was watching parts and now that I have actually sat through the entire was meant to be vague and ambiguous and it certainly did it's job...

I did read an interesting review that suggested that all the humans were in fact inhuman - emotionless and thinking logically much in the same way programmed computers think - ex. Floyd's conversation with his daughter about missing her birthday; Frank Poole's non-reaction to the birthday greeting from his parents; the boredom of the people who are sending Poole and Bowman and the three others to Jupiter after discovering the monolith; and that HAL 9000 was the only 'human' in the film because it expressed emotion - despite having killed Frank by cutting his connective hose...

I enjoyed the musical score. I did not, however, enjoy the God this movie moved slowly!

See it again? Meh
Own it? Eh
What my mom had to say about it: You'd enjoy it move if you were high...

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